Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Bitch Slap Heard Around The Blogosphere

You don’t have to be a blogger or a celebrity to know who Perez Hilton is. The man is a fame whore and looks for the limelight every chance he can get, whether the lighting is complimentary or not. To Perez Hilton, any publicity is good publicity. Covering scandals involving celebrities is how he makes his living. And when there isn’t a celebrity scandal to report, he tries his damndest to stir one up by spreading rumors (whether factual or not) and just generally talking shit on people. God only knows why his virtual gossip rag drives in millions a day! Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t find anything he posts to be of interest. Then again, I’m not one to pick up a tabloid magazine or tune into TMZ either. In fact, I couldn’t care less what happens in LA. Hollywood lives bore me. Yeah, I said it. It’s a plastic town that’s predictable, artificial and staged. I fail to see the originality or appeal there. Just a quick glance at PerezHilton.com makes me feel like I’ve opened my Junior High School class yearbook. Pages dripping in insecurity, jealously, petty remarks , a hint of desperation in fitting in among one’s peer group, and of course the less than clever or humorous tags on the photos. Breathe in nice and deep. That’s the smell of forever 7th grade being sucked up your nasal cavities. Personally, I would give PerezHilton.com an entertainment value of zero. Although I know many people would disagree with me because it remains one of the highest traffic rated blogs online.

Couldn’t resist making my own lame graffiti photo, Perez-style.

They say Hollywood is just high school with money. If that is true, then Perez Hilton would be the most loathed kid in class! He would be snapped with a wet gym towel, shoved into a locker, and locked helplessly inside screaming and crying until 5th period. Make no mistake about it, Perez Hilton loves his title of "Hollywoods’s Most Hated Blogger". And even though books are no longer being knocked out of his hands in the hallway, Perez Hilton has really not grown up, even at the age of 31! He’s still that arrogant, pimple-faced prick that continues to talk smack and doesn’t seem to grasp the concept of what goes around comes around. Or at least he wasn’t (literally) smacked with that dose of reality until this past weekend.

As an openly gay blogger, Perez Hilton of all people had the nerve to call Black Eyed Peas rapper Will.I.Am a faggot! Seriously, dude? That’s like the pot calling the kettle black. And when the pot calls the kettle black, the pot gets a black eye.

It all went down in a Toronto nightclub when Perez opened his big, fat mouth and left out a homophobic slur. So Will.I.Am’s manager, Polo Molina, politely replied by punching Perez Hilton in the face! Apparently Perez Hilton was so shook up over the incident that immediately after it happened, he Tweeted about it. Yes, he announced he was assaulted and bleeding and needed someone to send him help via his Twitter page! Just more proof that this guy is starving for attention! He even posted a "statement from the heart" on his blog which read..."I was attacked from behind without warning and repeatedly punched in the head in a cold, disgusting and unnecessarily violent manner." Umm, isn't that basically the same thing he has done to people for years? As I've mentioned earlier, Pereze Hilton has made a living off of repeatedly bashing people. Day in and day out he insults people behind their backs and makes it public for all the world to see. That in itself is cold, disgusting and totally unnecessary.

While he’s whining about filing a police report, he needs to put things into proper perspective. The dude got rich by being a bitch. And now he wants to cry when it comes back to smack him in the face? Hey, if you can dish it out, you better be able to take it...to the face. I know you've heard it before, but it's called karma. Deal with it. Am I encouraging violence? Well, no. But did this guy have it coming to him? YES! Definitely yes! And in all honesty, I’m surprised it took this long before someone wailed on him. As far as I’m concerned, Perez Hilton isn’t much higher up on the food chain than your average paparazzi guy. And we all know they deserve a good beatdown every now and then.

So bravo Polo Molina! The pot called the kettle black and the pot got a black eye courtesy of the Black Eyed Peas.

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