Friday, June 19, 2009

How Being A Geek Will Get You The Girl!

Girls love geeks! No, really. Stop laughing. It's true! These days, geek is chic! And I'm not referring to a bunch of dog faced girls either. I'm talking about hot girls. Girls that once evolved from dating the high school quarterback to the quarterback of the New England Patriots. But oh how the tides have turned! Today she's no longer dating the prom king. She's dating the geek boy! And she finds herself quickly falling in love.

Now before I tell you why girls love geeks, let's first define exactly what a geek is. Or rather, clear up a common misconception that a geek is the same as a nerd, because he is not. There is a huge difference between a geek and a nerd. A nerd is unaware of their "nerdom". They are usually social misfits. Isolating themselves from the rest of the world, they obsess over a single interest (usually sci-fi related) in lieu of developing acceptable social skills among their peers. This of course leads them to a life full of socially awkward behavior, thus making them an outcast to society and often keeping them extremely immature in psychological and emotional development. They will live in their Mom’s basements as 40-year-old virgins playing Dungeons & Dragons and going to Star Wars conventions on the weekends. Calling someone a nerd is seen as an insult. However, calling someone a geek should be taken as a compliment because it’s almost in vogue to be called a geek.

Geeks are not social misfits. They maintain a full social schedule and are merely more knowledgeable than the average Joe about a specific topic. These people are passionate about a particular hobby or interest. And in the eyes of a women, a guy who is passionate about something in life translates to sexy! You can be a geek in really anything, whatever interests you. Geeks are aware of their "geekdom" and most geeks embrace this title. You could call me a tech geek or a sport bike geek (two passions of mine) and I wouldn’t be offended. The main difference between a geek and a nerd is that a geek finds balance in life and a nerd cannot.

A geek is never at a loss for words. We are always "in the know" and ahead of the world when it comes to breaking news in cutting edge technology. We love nothing more than to lend a helping hand and impress you with our brains. And not only are we good with our hands (AKA handy), but we have the ability to stimulate the mind too. In fact some girls even judge a man based on his cell phone! Blackberry = A corporate kind of guy. He’s a typical black suit and tie stiff, but can’t be faulted for being tightly scheduled and well organized. He enjoys following the rules and never colors outside the lines. iPhone = A young entrepreneur. He’s likely to be a 20something who enjoys making the rules and coloring outside the lines. He’s jeans and Pumas. He’s a relaxed "go with the flow" kind of guy, but one that realizes the importance of keeping his shit neatly together and conforming to a schedule. If you know me, I think you know my phone of choice.

Over the years, there have been numerous studies conducted that ask women the same burning question: "What do you look for in a man?" And over the years, the top two answers are always the same!

1. A sense of humor.
2. Intelligence.

Now I don't know what happens to all the dudes that don't have a sense of humor? I assume they live and die a lonely single life since all women want a funny man. But even if you aren't "piss your pants funny", you need some brains to back you up. A cute face and a sense of humor will only take you so far. After that, a woman wants some depth - someone she can talk/relate to, bounce ideas off of, learn from, grow with. If you're just some dumb meathead that walks around staring aimlessly into the world while collecting a puddle of your own drool on the front of your shirt, the romance will surely fade. She will quickly ditch you for...yep, you guessed it. Geek boy!

Why you ask? Because geek boy is like a super hero! He will fly in and sweep her off her feet. In time of need, he will rescue the damsel in distress. When she is distraught and crying over the disappearance of her thesis paper she's been working on for months and her iBook ate it, he will save her...and the file. He will scoop her up off the floor, dry her tears and ease her fears.

She was not one to act irrational or over emotional. So when I saw her resembling a sloppy puddle, I knew something was very wrong. Even if I wasn't in love with her, I would have taken pity on the beautiful mess that she was. I didn't just WANT to help her, I NEEDED to help her. Afterall, I was the boyfriend and her geek boy. It was my duty to come to the rescue! I calmed her down and reassured her all would be ok. "I'll fix it. Don't worry", I said in my most comforting voice. I picked her iBook and her up off the floor. I placed the iBook on the desk. Then pulled out the chair, sat down, and sat her on my lap. "See, doesn't that feel better already?", I asked. She couldn't help but giggle at the pervert in me. "You know, if you swivel around and bounce just a tad, I think better." Really, a little hip gyration never hurts.

Not only does being a geek get you the girl, but it sometimes gets you laid as well! It's official, girls love geeks! So ditch your Kate Spade purse and Burberry scarf. Get yourself a REAL fashion accessory – a geek boy. Because in 2009, geek is chic!

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