Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Want To Meet, IRL?

Have a favorite blog you read? Have a favorite blogger you feel like you can relate to? Ever want to get to know the blogger behind the blog, not just virtually thru e-mails or blog comments, but in real life? If so, then you may be interested in the 20SB Ultimate Meetup! It’s coming to Chicago this summer and if you’re a member of the 20SB network, you’re welcome to come out for a drink.

20SB is a place for all twenty something bloggers to get discovered or find other bloggers they relate to. We're all approaching, in the middle, or just past our quarter life crisis and we've got a lot to say about it! The point of this group is not so much to get discovered as it is to discover other bloggers. It's a community, not a blog listing service. And just shy of 5,000 members, the group has grown tremendously since I signed up some time ago.

Here are all the links to everything 20Something Bloggerish:

As you're probably aware, I put the "awe" into awesome. So I know you are just dying to meet and hangout with me! Right? Rrright? Nod your head yes, make a boy feel good...even if it's a lie. Now before you get all excited and sign up, let me answer some of your most FAQ.

Q. Will you fix my computer?
A. No! I am a Writer Wannabe and Tech Geek Extraordinaire, but on that weekend I will not be Mr. Fix-It. I am almost always willing to lend a hand to someone in need, but this is a social gathering and I am not being your free geek boy right now. Sorry.

Q. Can I stalk you before, during, or after the meetup?
A. No, no and NO! I attract enough crazy chicks as it is. I'm like a crazy chick magnet for some reason. So the fact that I'm even considering going to this event is a big step for me because to be honest, there are so many crazy chicks out there that it's come to the point that I'm almost scared of the female species all together! FYI, I will have my "cradar" (crazy radar) up and on full alert.

Q. I’m a 25-year-old smoking hot nympho chick. Will you have a threesome with me and my hot bi-sexual girlfriend back at our hotel?
A. YES! You had me at "25-year-old smoking hot nympho chick".

Now if you have any other questions or if you're going, drop me a line and let me know. We're hoping for a turnout of at least 100 people, of course the more the better. And Olga, if you're out there reading this, you are cordially invited to join in as well. I know you hate me and want to kick me repeatedly in the balls with your pointed witch shoes, but perhaps you'll get over that one day. Hell, I may even buy you a drink and let bygones be bygones. If you come, it will be your proof that I'm not a conglomeration of fifteen girls ghostwriting their fantasies, but rather a writer/blogger of one. So come see for yourself. Like Pinocchio, I too am a real live boy. I’ll save you of the wood jokes.

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