Monday, March 23, 2009

Aspiring Back-To-Back "Top 10 Gen Y Blog" Champion

Ryan Stephens from is once again putting together a list of the Top 10 blogs from Gen Y bloggers. You may recall a similar list I was included on earlier this year. At that time, a total of 35 blogs were nominated for the "Top 10 Gen Y Blogs" list and I was thrilled that my blog was chosen to make the final Top 10 list! Read more here.

Now once again we have a new ballot of blogs up for the "Top 10 Gen Y Blogs" list, but this time around the competition is stiffer because a total of 50 blogs have been included! Only 10 will make the final cut and I'm hoping you will help my blog, The Rest Is Still Unwritten, be one of those 10 lucky blogs. And this would also make me a Back-To-Back "Top 10 Gen Y Blog" Champion! Cue the Rocky music.

This is similar to a People's Choice Award where you, the people, do the voting. There is some criteria you will be judging the blogs on, as well as a short list of rules you need to follow when casting your vote.

Judging Criteria:
2. Frequency of updates
3. Valuable and interesting links (embedded or in the blogroll)
4. Aesthetic (i.e navigation, functionality, and to some extent looks)
5. Ability to incite conversation, thought-provoking comments/discussion

The Rules:
1. The blogs must directly relate to Gen Y/Millennials*.
2. One ballot per person.
3. Your ballot must have at least 5 blogs listed to be included.
4. You -can- vote for your own blog.
5. If you feel compelled to include a great post that showcases why you chose a particular blog I won’t hate you.

Unlike some of the previous blog awards I’ve been up for, ANYONE can vote on this one. All you need to do is pick 5 blogs from the below nomination list that you think are the best "Top 10 Gen Y Blogs". Then e-mail that list to Ryan no later than March 27th, 2009. His e-mail is

Top 10 Gen Y Blogs Ballot

Personal Branding Blog
Employee Evolution
Millennial Leaders Y Blog
I Will Teach You To Be Rich
Hard Knox Life
College Mogul
PR Interactive
Hoehn’s Musings
Ben Casnocha
The Creative Career
The Rest is Still Unwritten
People Sales
Newly Corporate
Guru Gilbert
Young and Frugal
Driven Leaders
Young Go Getter
The Office Newb
Work Love Life
Tiffany Monhollon
The Marketing Student
Keep Up With Me
Results Junkies
Fake Plastic Noodles
Honey and Lance
Be Deviant
Water Cooler
The Mad Grad
Pipe Dreams and Professions
The Schiff Report
Gen Pink
Life Before Noon
El Gaffney
Quarter Life Lady
Girl Meets Business
The Millennium Marketer
I Hate HR
Working Girl
Two Notes Ahead
Andy Drish
Quiet the Thunder
Twenty Set
Millennial Marketing

Everyone got all that information? Pick the 5 blogs you would like to be included on the "Top 10 Gen Y Blogs" list and e-mail your vote to Ryan no later than March 27th, 2009.

Thanks and if you are voting for me, wish me luck!

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