Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Man Turns His Prosthetic Finger Into A USB Stick

I’m torn between finding this really f-ing cool or just down right disturbing. I’ll let you be the judge. Read on...

A 29-year-old computer programmer who lost a finger in a motorbike accident had doctors insert a USB stick into the prosthetic finger they created for him. Finland native, Jerry Jalava, now carries Linux and a range of software in his artificial finger. The detachable device works like a regular PC memory stick and can store 2GB of photos, movies and other useful files. The connection is under his fingernail.

"I simply put my finger into the USB port of a computer and pull out the hand if I need it. Afterwards the finger goes back on," said Javala. He plans to build a new finger with wireless technology.

This reminds me of the guy who performed crude surgery on himself to insert an RFID chip into his arm. 5/16/06 - A Real Life Bionic Man

Also, we can’t forget the freak that had his thumbs surgically whittled so he could txt easier/faster on his BlackBerry. 8/10/07 - Thumb Surgically "Whittled" To Improve Txting

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, you ain’t seen nothing yet!

You’ll want to view Jerry Jalava’s Flickr set of 13 glorious (or rather grotesque depending on how you see it) photos.

If you aren't grossed out yet, let me push you over the edge by linking you to a post from my Archive about a man who ran a website by hosting it via USB stick INSIDE HIS ASS! No joke. 4/6/05 - Run A Website Out Of Your Ass, Literally

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