Sunday, February 17, 2008

I’m An Angry Little Boy

I’m an angry little boy. I feel like spitting off a bridge, punching a pillow and kicking a puppy! Ok, kicking a puppy is going a little too far, especially considering my puppy is the best part of my every day. Although, I am angry. I literally stomped my foot, crossed my arms in defiance and began immediately pouting. I’ll admit it, sometimes I can be a bit of a child. I don’t like it when things break, especially when it’s not my fault. I did absolutely nothing to cause it to happen, but it happened. My barely 3 month old $500 PS3 system broke! Dead. Fried. Ca-put. (Is that even a word? I think my Mother made it up.)

To add further insult to injury and aggravate me even more, Sony's pissy attitude about the whole thing is simply unacceptable. This same thing has happened to literally thousands of other people and NOTHING has been done to prevent the problem, nor has ANY type of apology been given. As someone who runs his own company, this is just unbelievable to me. The #1 rule in any business is that you bend over backwards to please the customer. Obviously Sony doesn’t get that and is guilty of some very poor, poor business practices.

Seriously, I’m really fucking pissed off! Excuse my language. I’ve discovered even though I’ve lost my temper like a little boy, I have been cursing like a grown man. After buying several games, an extra wireless controller and most recently a bluetooth headset for online gaming...I now have over a grand of worthless PS3 crap sitting in my living room entertainment center collecting dust. If that’s not bad enough, in the last week or so I’ve become addicted, yes addicted, to Call Of Duty 4. If you don’t know what that is, then you simply won’t be able to understand how emotionally distraught I am at the moment. I must have my fix!

Really though, the worst part is that when the hard drive crashed in my PS3, it took ALL the data with it! All the hours I spent playing, correction, the hours of my life I wasted playing. All the stats, demos, downloads, career saves, all of it gone! Unrecoverable and lost forever! This is the point that I would begin crying if I was a girl, but I’m not. I’m an angry little boy so I will begin pouting like one instead.

To make a long and painful story short, Best Buy basically said F-U when I tried to return my PS3. They told me it was Sony’s problem and they would have to deal with it. So after 2 phone calls to Sony, where I sat on hold for a good 30 minutes each time, I’m informed that I will have to ship it back to them. Once they receive it, they won't even attempt to recover the data I lost. They just toss it in the trash with a "oh well, too bad, so sad" attitude. I felt like reaching thru the phone and beating the shit out of the tech support woman, beating her with my dead PS3.

Now granted, I am a tech savvy guy and I could go out and buy a new hard drive, open up the system and see if there is anything else that needs repaired, but why should I? I shouldn't have to put another dime out! This is Sony's fault so it should be their doing to correct the problem in a timely manner. They will send me out a new PS3 system, which is good, but it will take up to a month to receive it! A month? A month! I’m going to go clinically insane on every cold and rainy lazy Sunday afternoon. What is a boy to do? On second thought, I think I will turn into a girl, curl up in the fetal position and cry the hours away.

Someone please comfort me, because if these wireless controllers actually had cords, I would be forced to end my life with one right now.

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