Saturday, November 17, 2007


Sometimes I think the only person who reads my blog is Vinnie, my 4th cousin who is twice removed. I’m not even sure what that means, but if I actually had a cousin named Vinnie, then I bet he would hold a title like that. As you can see, this post is leading to nowhere. You could say it’s a rather pointless post. However I’m writing this short note to inform those of you who do read my blog, besides Vinnie, that I’m sorry.

I’m sorry I’m lacking in creative juices lately. I’m sorry I’ve slacked in my regular posting habits. You see, the two go hand-in-hand. You just can’t have good writing without creativity. And what would a blog be without good creative writing? It would be mine – a bore.

Believe me, the content is there. Coming up with topics to write on has never been a struggle for me. The real problem is…well that’s just it, I can’t write about the “real problem”. And why is that? Why is it that the things we need so desperately to get out in the open are the very same things we close up about and hold inside ourselves?

So as the internal battle rages on, I hope to numb my mind to it long enough to allow the creative juices to flow freely again. And when they do, that is when I will put pen to paper, or rather fingertips to keys. Stick with me. I’ll pull thru and return to my bloggy ways one of these days.

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