Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Dirty Little Secrets You Can’t Speak Of

She had enough. She broke down and had to confide in someone. She wanted it to have a voice. She needed to be that voice. So she said it. She shared it. She let it all out and then some. I expected it. I could see it coming, but to the degree in which she dealt with it, oh no I didn’t see THAT coming! It was like something from a Hollywood script. I thought people’s lives were only like this in the movies? Apparently not. This is real life. Real drama. Real everything filled with sex, love, money and an almost murder!

Every family has a few, the dirty little secrets you can’t speak of. The dirty little secrets you find out about, but swear on your life or the life of a loved one that they won’t ever leave the room in which they were aired. These four walls aren’t talking. My word is good. Your secret is always safe with me. I don’t just say this. I mean this. And those that know me well know this to be true. It’s why my sister has nicknamed me “The Vault”. Entrust your verbal valuables with me and within me is where they will stay. I’ll lock them down, tuck them away and throw away the key. That is how much value I give to the secret after someone confides in me. The Vault provides top notch security like no other.

Most of us do everything in our power to see to it that our dirty laundry is never aired, but everyone knows of its existence, even if we deny it has life. Its presence is known even if it is never fully seen or validated with a voice. We are aware of its unspoken truth. The scent of it lingers in a chilling breeze. It exists behind a closed door and it grows uglier in the darkness of the night. When a secret is revealed, you are either shocked and left in disbelief, or you have been expecting it and play the semi-surprised award winning actor/actress role.

No matter what your reaction is and no matter how long it takes a secret to revel itself, there is always a sense of relief. Relief that it’s out in the open. Relief that now it can be dealt with head on so we can put it behind us and move forward. Just relief. It is at the very moment, in which we share that first sense of relief that the healing process begins. And I vowed to help her breathe.

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