Friday, November 2, 2007

Bigfoot Spotted Where I Go Camping!

Legend has it that he's large, hairy and hard to find. No, I’m not talking about your dream date. I’m talking about the one and only Bigfoot! According to one Pennsylvania hunter, Bigfoot is out there…and he has the pictures to prove it! He claims he spotted Bigfoot 115 miles north of the city of Pittsburgh. (Which makes me wonder, think Bigfoot is a Steelers fan?) Rick Jacobs believes he has captured photos of Bigfoot. He saw the creature from a tree stand in the Allegheny National Forest. Jacobs was hoping to get shots of deer, but this is what he saw instead.

Take a closer look. Click to enlarge photos.

Personally, I’m having trouble making heads or tails out of it. Seriously, am I looking at his ass in the one photo or is that his face? It looks like he’s attempting a headstand, either that or he’s super butt-ugly! I’m never really sure if it’s “of Bigfoot” or “a Bigfoot”. Is there just one Bigfoot or are there several Bigfoots? And wouldn’t the proper term be Bigfeet, plural for Bigfoot? I don’t know. There probably aren’t any at all so this is a useless argument.

Although, to many, this is a hot topic and experts are weighing in. Is it or isn’t it Bigfoot? According to the Bigfoot Research Organization, the picture could be a juvenile Sasquatch. However, the Pennsylvania Game Commission says they're pretty sure it's just a bear with a bad case of mange. As the debate continues as to what the animal is, Jacobs said he can't release the exact location of his potential find because the Bigfoot organization is worried people will destroy the animal's habitat. Or maybe find out the hunter is full of complete shit?

I say whatever it is, I bet it smells really bad! And I don’t care to see or smell him when I’m roasting weenies and making Smores over my campfire. So how about taking a hike, you mangy whatever you are.

What do you think? Is it or isn’t it Bigfoot? And does a real Bigfoot even exist?

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