Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sweet And Mildly Disturbing

When you care enough to send the very best, send an e-card. Wait, I know what you’re thinking. I’ve never been a big fan of e-cards myself. For the most part, they are cheesy. They are filled with dancing bears, rhymy phrases written in sparkly font and annoying jingles that grate on your last nerve. However, there are some decent ones out there, ones that don’t say “Thanks for being my beary best friend.” (puke) I will admit, e-cards do come in handy when you forget your sister’s birthday. And it’s the day of. And she lives on the other side of the country. And it’s too late to send a real card and gift. That’s when an e-card and an iTunes gift certificate come in handy…not that I am talking from past personal experience because I certainly would never be so absent minded as to forget my own sister's birthday, but just hypothetically saying. Ahem.

Now obviously I don’t suggest the above e-card be sent to your sister or any other family member for that matter. Although, I must say I did enjoy getting this from a certain someone. And yes it’s a female and no she’s not blood related. What type of sicko do you think I am? Well, from the looks of this e-card, you are probably already aware that I have a little sicko in me.

I found her e-card to be both sweet and mildly disturbing. I guess you could say that even though this Someecards seems very inappropriate to send to someone, it was very appropriate for her to send it to me. To let me know, she’s there – thru thick and thin and even thru times of perversion. She’s there. Like I said, it’s sweet and mildly disturbing. She knows how to make a boy swoon.

Remember kids, every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten. And I shouldn't even need to mention that your dead Grandma is looking down from heaven and watching you jerk it...as well as all your other loved ones who have passed away. True statements.

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