Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Internet? OMG! That’s Sooo 1995

The year was 1995. I was a fresh faced teenage boy full of wonder. Ok, I was actually a kid full of raging hormones looking to see how much trouble I could get into. It was also the year I first logged onto the Internet and take a guess on what my very first search was for? Yes, the same thing every teenage boy searches for getting online for the first time. In those days, everyone used AOL 2.5, including myself. That was before we knew better. Before we knew that AOL wasn't the Internet. Today, AOL has basically rolled over and died – finally! Now there is talk that the entire Internet could also be saying "Goodbye".

Quick history lesson for you…an Englishman by the name of Tim Bernes-Lee is responsible for the creation of the WWW (World Wide Web). It became widespread in the mid 1990's, but its beginnings can actually be trace back to 1980. Now prior to the WWW, there was this dude named Larry Roberts who ran ARPAnet, which was the precursor to the Internet. In short, Larry Roberts is considered "the inventor of the Internet". Still with me? Good.

Roberts, the inventor, claims the Internet is outdated. He says it’s too late to stop now as the net has actually become a patchwork quilt of protocols. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Roberts said that the technology behind the web is now 40 years old and needs a rethink. He said that when he was working at ARPAnet he was unsure how long the technology could work, especially since the system didn’t ensure that information packets would arrive at their destination. He is convinced that there will be all sorts of hell to pay now that companies are using the Internet to make phone calls and consumers begin to dabble in online video. Roberts said that the Internet wasn’t designed for people to watch television...and he should know, he designed it.

The man has a point. The Internet was made for 30 second sample clips of downloadable porn, not 2 gigs worth of streaming XXX movies. Sooner or later all that bandwidth filth will take its toll. Not that I’m an expert on any of this or that I would even look at naughty material myself, I’m just saying. Ahem.

Now how do we save the Internet? Well, that's a good question and I wish I had a good answer, but I don't. If you suggest we delete all traces of porn from the net, then brace yourself as I am about to smack you upside your stupid poop head for such an asinine idea. Anyone with a well though out sensible suggestion, please share it. As far as I'm concerned, I'm going to take the lazy man's method to solving this problem - if it ain't broke (yet), don't fix it.

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