Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog = Save Paper = Save A Tree = Save The World

For those of you with a keen eye, you may have noticed a small banner ad that I placed towards the bottom right hand corner of my blog last week. It’s there to encourage fellow bloggers to untie for Blog Action Day. So what is Blog Action Day? Well on October 15th (today), bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind (as if it’s not there already) - the environment. Every blogger will post about the environment in their own way and relating to their own topic. Then, for those of you that make a little cha-ching from your blog, you are asked to donate your day’s earnings to an environmental charity. The goal is to get everyone talking towards a better future. One issue. One day. Thousands of voices.

Now let me save you from the “granola guy” and “new age tree hugging hippie” remarks. I’m neither of those things and you'll never catch me wearing Birkenstocks. However, there is this little thing called global warming that Al Gore keeps harping on and it seems to be getting people’s attention. So much so that last week he won this tiny non-important award called the Nobel Peace Prize…or something. He was awarded it in recognition of his wide-reaching efforts to draw the world's attention to the dangers of global warming. Don’t get me wrong, just the sound of Gore’s voice puts me instantly to sleep. I swear he was born with the world’s most boring monotone voice ever! Although, like the guy or not, his global warming message has some weight behind it.

So what am I doing to combat global warming? Well I could list the things, but that sounds like a snooze fest to me. Instead, I’ll spare you the torturous reading and just tell you about the most obvious – I blog. Think about it. If you blog, you are saving paper because the writing is done digitally. And if you are saving paper, well then you just spared a tree from being chopped down. And if you can save a tree, you are well on your way to saving the world! Yes, blog and you will save the world. A bold statement, but one I’m getting put on a recyclable, biodegradable, carbon monoxide-free bumper sticker. Oh yeah…the glue will be non-toxic on it too. So go ahead and allow your children to eat it. No worries.

Remember, green is good. So go green. Now go do your part and post something for Blog Action Day.

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