Monday, September 24, 2007

Is It Really Considered Cheating If...

A married couple from Central Bosnia is divorcing after they chatted each other up on the Internet using fake names. Sana Klaric and husband Adnan poured their hearts out to each other over their marriage troubles. Writing under the aliases “Sweetie” and “Prince of Joy” (insert barf inducing noises here), they communicated in an online chat room thinking they had found a soul mate with whom to spend the rest of their life with.

When they finally met in person for a date, the pair soon realized their online lover was actually their real life significant other! Unlike a Hollywood scripted movie, there was no happy ending. The couple is now divorcing after accusing each other of being unfaithful. That's right, they are divorcing because they cheated on each other, WITH each other and in the process fell in love again with one another.

Sana, 27, said: “I was suddenly in love. It was amazing. We seemed to be stuck in the same kind of miserable marriages. How right that turned out to be. I feel so betrayed.”

Adnan, 32, said: “I still find it hard to believe that Sweetie, who wrote such wonderful things, is actually the same woman I married and who has not said a nice word to me for years.”

Oh the irony, I love it! So the question remains…is it really considered cheating if the person with whom you are having an affair with is your spouse? I don’t know, but the only thing these two should feel betrayed about is their own sheer stupidity. If you ask me, I say these two unfaithful dumbasses deserve each other. And just think of all the money a marriage counselor could of made off of them. Pitty.

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