Friday, March 2, 2007

My Character Drawing

Ever wonder what a little virtual version of you would look like? Well wonder no more because there is AIM WeeMee World, used in conjunction with AOL Instant Messenger. There you can create an animated avatar, a little virtual version of you! Obviously I had 5 minutes of my life to waste the other day, so I thought I would entertain myself by creating a “MiniMe” of sorts. I’ve shrunk myself down to cartoon doodle size and here are the results, complete with the messy hair and my patented Crest Kid smile. When animated, a little "ting" shines off my one tooth. It's very corny, but adds a humorous touch none the less.

Do you like my black sweater? It’s new and it’s seriously what I am wearing now. A little freaky, isn’t it? The daffodils were added for that “Spring is almost here” touch. I look so young and that is perhaps the closest baby face smooth shave I've had in a long time!

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