Friday, March 30, 2007

Oh Sweet Jesus…A Cocoa Cock?

Controversial NY artist Cosimo Cavallaro is familiar with turning food into art. His past efforts include repainting a Manhattan hotel room in melted mozzarella, spraying five-tons of pepper-jack cheese on a Wyoming home, and festooning a four-poster bed with 312 pounds of processed ham. Personally, I find his work to be pretty disgusting and rather smelly. His latest creation may be offensive to some, but I’m willing to bet it would be tasty to all. It’s a chocolate statue…of what you ask? Jesus Christ being crucified. And yes, I’m serious.

The statue, dubbed "My Sweet Jesus”, was to be unveiled during the Easter season. However, the exhibit was abruptly canceled after being blasted with angry phone calls and e-mails. It seems that Cavallaro’s latest piece has infuriated Catholics preparing to observe some of their holiest days of the year. The idea got mixed reviews from people on the street. What's unclear at this point is whether the artist will seek out another gallery willing to display this highly controversial work.

The nude Jesus stands in at 6 feet tall and is crafted from 120 pounds of milk chocolate – a slender dude indeed. The anatomically correct sculpture is completely edible. So for those of you feeling a bit naughty and little sinful, even his circumcised penis is there for nibbling. Now I don’t know if you’ll burn eternally in hell for doing that, or if you will just get a belly ache. Either way, I won’t be finding out because I’m not putting Christ’s cocoa cock in my mouth!

When these words were written…“Take this, all of you, and eat it. This is my body which will be given up for you.” I don’t think they had any idea a chocolate Jesus statue would one day be created. And surely no one took the cocoa cock into consideration.

Of course putting a cocoa cock in my mouth is probably a little better than if I were to munch on another one of Cavallaro’s masterpieces. It was made of shit. Yes, shit. Crap. Whatever you want to call it because there isn’t a polite way to say it. I don’t know if it was created from human feces or animal feces, but at this point, does it really make a difference? Shit is shit and it all stinks. I’m sure it tastes nothing like chicken, or chocolate for that matter.

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