Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Look-alike Contest

Most people would consider it an insult to be compared to a dog. But to be compared to my Bulldog Diesel is a huge compliment! Or at least I think so. It’s a proven fact that he is the most awesome dog in the entire world! So why wouldn’t you want to look like him? He’s a 45 pound chunk of meat packed full of power, personality and charm. The ladies want to be with him and the guys want to be him. He’s a stud. What else can I say? I’m sure you lay awake at night wondering how you could be just half as awesome as my dog. Well wonder no more. Now is your chance to compare yourself to the one and only D-Dawg. I’m holding a Look-alike Contest!

Here are the official rules...

1. Take a snapshot of yourself with your best Diesel "sleepy face" – that means tongue out.
2. Send it to diamondkt@gmail.com Subject: Look-alike Contest
3. Please specify your name/alias or if you would like to remain anonymous.
4. Also include your website/blog address so that I can plug your site for you.
5. Check my blog periodically to see all the entries and help vote for the winner.

Right now, there is no entry deadline, but I’m thinking I’ll accept the first 20 submissions and then end the contest. So what is the grand prize? Well unfortunately you don’t win anything, but you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you cheered an awfully sad guy up. I’m on day 12 of homelessness, been slapped with a $4,000 repair bill to fix the natural gas leak at my house and my home owner’s insurance isn’t paying a single cent to help me out. Plus, I’m still crunched over in pain due to a whole mess of stuff going on with my left lung. Wow, I really sound like a mess. However, if you send me your silly photo, it will help me smile again.

Cheer a boy and his dog up. Send a little happy our way by entering the Look-alike Contest and share a giggle with the world.

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