Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Blogger Mobile No Likey Me

Hey, this isn't as much of a blog post as it is a question to all of you out there reading my little corner of the web.

Has anyone been able to get Blogger Mobile to work?

The instructions are pretty straight forward and I followed them, but nearly 24 hours later and I still haven't received my confirmation code to claim my blog and start posting via a mobile device.

Not me, obviously.

How Blogger Mobile Works:
1. Send an MMS or email with the word 'REGISTER' to from your phone.
2. We'll reply with the address of your new mobile blog, plus a claim code.
3. Post to your new mobile blog, or use the claim code to link your phone to a different blog.

I thought it might be semi-interesting to upload photos of my stupid face at work to my blog via my cell phone, but apparently Blogger is trying to save me from myself and is not allowing this activity to take place. So, you've been spared. You can thank Blogger for that.

If anyone has any success with this, let me know because I'm feeling like a big tech failure right now. And being the geek boy that I am, that is something I'm NOT used to or comfortable with.

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