Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Life Is Good

Sometimes all it takes is one good day, one good girl, or even just one good moment to bring you to an epiphany - life is good. I wish I could romanticize this with poetry. I wish I could interlace all these wonderful words of wisdom with sentiments so deep they would make the strongest man weep. I wish to take that concoction, blend it well and serve it up nice and thick. Words would fall from my lips, touch your heart and inspire your soul. As a wannabe writer, I want to move you. But alas, I come up short. The above scenario plays thru my head accompanied by several fairies, a magical wand and a handful of pixie dust. However, that is fantasy and not real life. Real life is reality. My reality is there wasn’t a single moment where the sun and the moon collided. There wasn’t a single moment where the earth shook and the stars fell from the sky. Water didn’t turn into wine and any other unexplained miracle did not occur. Life was simply kind to me, a rarity of late. I’ve been sort of stuck in this funk for awhile now and these last couple of days has helped shed that dark cloud. I can see a little clearer. I can breathe a little deeper. I can (hopefully) get back to being me.

It’s often the simplest things that make me happy. I’m thankful I’m still able to appreciate those tiny moments that many overlook and take for granted every day. Small fragments of life that normally pass you by on some idle Tuesday, you need to embrace those. Like last week when fresh fallen snow blanketed everything in sight, I smiled at Mother Nature’s beauty while others bitched about their personal inconveniences. Last night while riding in the car with my dog, I sang Jason Mraz’s "Lucky" to him. He gazed over at me with his sad saggy puppy dog eyes and let out a tiring sigh, as if to say he is embarrassed for me. I’m not ashamed to sing it though. I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend.

So why the sudden happy heart? Well let me break it down for you...

My MMA Debut Ends In A KO!
Saturday night, after just a few months of training, I entered my first competitive MMA fight! I’ll admit, I had a lot of pre-fight jitters. The nerves were really starting to get to me, but that’s normal because before a basketball game or a boxing match, I would always get like that. Plus, I know I’m not the best fighter out there since I’ve only been training for a few short months. I wasn’t cocky, but I was confident. I predicted a win and a win via KO. I’m happy to report that BOTH of my predictions came true!

My opponent, with 7 fights and 2 years of experience under his belt, was brazenly arrogant and thought he was better than he really was. Apparently, he believed he was the second coming of the Karate Kid when he tried some fancy spinning leg kick. I caught his ankle, knocked him off balance and took him to the ground. Then he was pretty much helpless because his ground game sucks. With his back flat on the mat, I pinned his arms down with my knees and just pounded him bloody with multiple straight punches to the face. He couldn't defend himself and the fight was stopped before it became more brutal, a little over a minute into the first round. However, perhaps the ref didn't step in fast enough because on one of the last punches I threw, he was knocked cold. Even if he hadn't gone unconscious, it would have still been ruled a technical knockout simply because they had to stop the fight. I did not come out unscathed though. He had caught me with a few good shots earlier in the round. So my left eye is a little beat up. Although it was fun and I would do it again, I didn't feel my best the next day. I was soar and had a massive headache, but that is expected. Other than that, I would say my debut went well. I’m going to upload the video of the fight for those of you who have an insatiable thirst for violence.

(I hate cutesy cliché names and writing that made me cringe.)

Sunday night, I threw a kickass Super Bowl party that would have made Martha Stewart proud. I celebrated with 25 friends as our beloved Pittsburgh Steelers won their 6th championship. Almost as exciting, I won $200 in my office football poll in the process! Suck on that Arizona! And yes, Diesel madeout with every single girl that came to my party. No shocker there. Seriously though, Bruce Springsteen? Who in their right mind wants to see someone older than their Dad rocking out? The dude is 60! Other than "Born In The USA", can anyone even name another song of his? I can’t, but if you can, then you should be ashamed of yourself. That is why you invite girls to your party who end up kissing each other when they drink too much. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the girl-on-girl halftime show in my living room. It was a great replacement for The Boss. And I’m sooo thankful that this year’s Super Bowl party was nothing like last year's tortuous episode of the giant double D boobs that simply would not shut up! (2/5/08 - The Clueless Never Score)

15 Minutes Of Virtual Fame
Monday morning, I awoke to learn that I made the #9 spot on the "Top 10 Gen Y Blogs" list from RyanStephensMarketing.com

9.) The Rest is Still Unwritten - Tech News and Random Ramblings from a 20-something year old bachelor.

And yet that description doesn’t even begin to encapsulate what David’s blog is about, which for me, his words (always completely transparent) embody his raw journey through life. I’ve recently become acquainted with David’s work as we have seemed to travel in different circles, and I’m glad I have. He discusses stuff other people are scared to put on paper, and makes ambiguity enthralling. This post is one of my favorites that resonates in so many ways.

In addition to that, I was also pleased to discover that my "First Kiss" post was featured on 20SB. What was a little odd was that I was happier for Marissa’s post to be featured than my own. If you’re not reading her already, you should because you don’t know what you’re missing out on. You just want to squeeze the adorableness out of her, take it, stuff it in your pocket and carry it around with you the rest of the day.

Read the "First Kiss" posts from Marissa, me and a few other talented bloggers on 20SB.

I’m A Hot Mess
Just before Christmas, I had caught the flu. By New Year’s, that had turned into bronchitis. And now, I’m happy to report (not the sarcasm) that bronchitis has turned into phenomena. Basically, I’m a hot mess, once again.

Ok, that last one shouldn’t count because being a hot mess is nothing to be happy about. Still, despite my boy germs, I’m determined to carry on and do the things that make me happy, like beating another man’s face in until he is helpless and lying in a pool of his own blood. Oh fun!

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