Saturday, January 17, 2009

I’m Up For Another Award! - "Top 10 Gen Y Blog"

I know this is kind of last minute, but I just found out myself today about the nomination! Ryan Stephens from is putting together a list of the Top 10 blogs from Gen Y bloggers. The blogs are selected and then critiqued in 5 main areas...

2. Frequency of updates
3. Valuable and interesting links (embedded or in the blogroll)
4. Aesthetic (i.e navigation, functionality, and to some extent looks)
5. Ability to incite conversation, thought-provoking comments/discussion

Right now he is having trouble narrowing down the list of blogs to just 10. So he has posted links to all 35 nominated blogs and is asking you to help him choose who makes the final Top 10 list! Unlike some of the previous blog awards I’ve been up for, ANYONE can vote on this one. All you need to do is pick 5 blogs from the below nomination list that you think are the best Top 10 Gen Y Blogs. Then e-mail that list to Ryan no later than January 20, 2009. His e-mail is

Top 10 Gen Y Blogs Ballot

Personal Branding Blog
Employee Evolution
Millennial Leaders Y Blog
I Will Teach You To Be Rich
Hard Knox Life
College Mogul
PR Interactive
Hoehn’s Musings
Ben Casnocha
The Creative Career
The Rest is Still Unwritten
People Sales
Newly Corporate
Guru Gilbert
Young and Frugal
Driven Leaders
Two Notes Ahead
Young Go Getter
The Office Newb
Gen Pink
The Millennium Marketer
Work Love Life
Tiffany Monhollon
The Marketing Student
Keep Up With Me
Results Junkies
Life Before Noon
Fake Plastic Noodles
Honey and Lance
De Deviant
Water Cooler
The Mad Grad
Pipe Dreams and Professions

Of course I would love it if you vote for me, but if you don't want to vote at all, that's fine too. If nothing else, I just gave you a list of 35 new blogs worthy of checking out.

You can read more about this contest at...

Apparently this was posted on January 1st, so I’m a little late on spreading the word. I apologize for that. However, I want to thank Elle for e-mailing to inform me that not only was this going on, but that I was included on the list of nominees!

Hurry, you only have a few days left to vote! Polls close this Tuesday, 1/20/09.

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