Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bareback Barack

I know this is a blog and not a book, but can I add a little preface before I begin this post? In no way am I thinking about our new President barenaked with his naughty bits exposed. Even though I may agree that he is somewhat of a handsome man, I don't want to make sweet manlove to him. Just the thought of that nauseates me. So please don’t misconstrue what I’m about to say. And please know that in no way do I intend on turning this blog into a place where people can come to get tips and how-to guides on how to get laid. What I am about to say is said in a humorous fashion, light hearted and playful in nature. It is not to be taken literally, but it is intended to make you think. I swear this post has a point and while I’m trying to convey that message, I’ll do my best not to sound like a total perv. However, if you know me, that may be a bit difficult to ask of myself. Regardless, let’s begin...

Last week I told you how tech gadgets won’t get you laid. But if tech gadgets won’t get you laid, power will surely do the trick! Think about it. People who are in positions of power have an inherent sexiness to them. It’s that aspect of taking control, taking charge and being fully responsible for the outcome – whether it be good or bad. It’s not just asking people to follow your lead, but actually leading them in the right direction. When you step up, you also have to step your game up. You have to rise to the top and often go far beyond your call of duty. You’re the teacher, the mentor, you are the one who they aspire to be. And in some way, I suppose you could say that positions of power also have a nurturing side to them. People in positions of power often find themselves taking others under their wing and caring for them. We have to help them as much as they help us. We are doers, shapers, thinkers, innovators. The list goes on and on. The higher you climb up the ladder, the more apparent these qualities become. And of course that in turn increases your level of power, thus increasing your sex appeal. Or so they say.

If you don’t believe me, then just try this. Next time you are out and you meet a girl, just tell her you’re a doctor, a lawyer, or a big man on Wall Street and watch how fast she hands over her digits. Sure it’s a lie and lying isn’t nice to do, but this is strictly for experimental reasons. Try it and see. It will prove my point.

You are probably thinking..."David, you are just saying all this stuff because you are the CEO and Founder of a company (although a geeky business it may be) and you are trying to make yourself sound sexier so YOU can get laid more often." To that I would answer..."Well, yes and no." Sure what guy doesn’t like to get laid? And the more often the better! But let me assure you that is NOT the reason why I feel compelled to write this post. I feel compelled to do so because after yesterday’s Inauguration festivities finally came to a close, I started thinking – how sexy must Michelle find Barack now? Put aside for a minute the overwhelming feelings of pride and the outpouring of love she has for him, and how wet must she get for him? Sorry, I know that is supper crass, but not every woman can say she’s fucking the President of The United States! Look at Bill Clinton. Puffy-eyed slick Willy was certainty nothing to look at, but because he was the President of The United States, he had panties dropping left and right for him! I understand many women are attracted to money, but there are many jobs out there that pay far more than being President. So to me that says that it’s more about the power than the money.

Honestly, I don’t want this visual in my head, but Barack had to get the VIP treatment in the White House master bedroom last night. While I may settle for being called "Oh my God" during sex, I would have to think that "Fuck me Mr. President" had to have a nice ring to it when it fell upon Barack’s ears, no?

And while I'm in Washington this week on business, if I happen to pass the President on his first day at the new job, I shall flash him my winning smile and a small wink. He'll know what's up.

Related post of interest...
10/16/08 - I’ll Be Crushed To See Obama Girl Go

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