Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 4th Blogiversary To You, My Sweet Beloved Blog

It’s that time again. A new year and yet another anniversary - my Blogiversary. Believe it or not, I’ve stuck with this writing thing for 4 straight years now! If someone would have told me back on 1/1/05 that I would be still blogging into 2009, I would have said bullshit. In the past I’ve always had a tendency to start a fresh notebook with all these good writing intentions on January 1st, only to find myself relapsing in the written word after a few short weeks at best. But here I am, still writing, 4 years and over 850 posts later. Maybe it has something to do with the neat and tidy virtual notebook format known as the blog that keeps me writing. I am my own worst critic, so to me, my chicken scratch handwriting leaves little to be desired. Although on a computer, my spacing is perfect! My letters are impeccable! My writing becomes legible, clean and without flaw. To me, that is inviting. That makes me want to write more. So I did just that, day after day, post after post. Before I knew it, 4 years had passed.

Don’t get me wrong, the handwritten letter is still a beautiful thing and a dying art in my eyes. It possesses more character than an e-mail, but let’s be honest, this digital stuff is pretty damn convenient! Besides, my blog and I have been entangled in an ongoing electronic love affair for 4 years now! I can't just dump with her like that. She has seen me with the flu. She has seen me with a broken heart. She has seen it all and been there for it all. I've even blogged in my underwear before (and no you can't have photos)! If that isn't the definition of a comfortable relationship, I don't know what is! Now that's love. This isn't some fling or a one night stand. This has evolved over time, like a childhood friendship turned to teenage romance. It's deep. It's meaningful. It has become a part of me. She knows my inner most thoughts and deepest, darkest secrets. I pour my heart out to her on a continuous basis. I care not what she thinks, but revel in how she makes me feel, or rather allows me to feel. She's accepting of who I truly am, both the beautiful and ugly parts that define me. She gives me an outlet to freely express myself, to get it all out on paper. Anna Nalick sang it best with this lyric...

"If I get it all down on paper, it's no longer inside of me,
Threatening the life it belongs to
And I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary, screaming out loud"

Now what? Well I don’t know. I guess I should just grow old and disgusting with my blog? I should keep writing until it ceases to bring me pleasure? I should put this freelance writing dream of mine into action? I should...I really don’t know how to complete that sentence. Unlike most people with their list of New Year’s Resolutions, I think I am going to find my way as I go thru 2009. I’m not going to define my goals from the get-go, but rather let them evolve over time. I’m going to enjoy the ride and see where it takes me. I realize that sounds like the lazy way out, but for me, writing is one of those things that if it fails to bring me joy, I simply won’t do it anymore. Writing has always been fun for me and when it starts to feel more like a chore than something I reward myself with at the end of a long day, I will put down my pen.

So I now ask that you raise your glass, and a pen with me, to help toast to my 4th Blogiversary and to a New Year as well. Here’s to a new President, hopefully a better economy, family, friends, fun, love, good health and a happy life! Did I cover the basics? If not, you can add your own.

(You have a good eye if you noticed this post is predated to January 1st, but I didn’t really write it and publish it until January 4th. My reasoning - it’s lame to celebrate your Blogiversary four days late. So pretend its still New Years day. Thanks. Also for those waiting to hear how I was almost killed on New Years Eve in Aspen due to some freak with a sled full of bombs disguised as Christmas presents, I will deliver that post shortly.)

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