Thursday, May 1, 2008

Revenge Is A Dish Best Served On YouTube?

You’ve probably already heard by now about Tricia Walsh-Smith, the gold digging disgruntle divorcee who went crazy after her millionaire husband dumped her. What she thought was a "smart move", turned out to be disastrous and most likely will come back to haunt her during the divorce settlement. And I can assure you, their divorce proceedings will not just be messy, they will be down right ugly and nasty! Tricia Walsh-Smith chose not only to vent her anger, but also air all her dirty laundry in the most juvenile of posting her "I just got dumped" meltdown on YouTube for all the world to see. Yes, nothing says class act like ripping your guy, or soon to be ex-guy, up and down over the Internet. Of course in the process, she didn’t make him look nearly as bad as her she made herself look psychotic!

Part 1 - One More Crazy Day in the Life of a Phoenix Rising from the Ashes

She claims her husband of 10 years, Philip Smith (President of Shubert Organization - the largest theater owner on Broadway), just decided one day he no longer wanted to be married to her. Um, can you blame him? Personally, I don’t see how the marriage was based on anything other than superficialness in the first place. Let’s face it. At 50 years-old, Tricia Walsh-Smith is no spring chicken, but her husband is 25 years older than her! What in the world could you have in common with a 75 year-old man? He’s bald. He can’t get his dick up. Most likely he is missing more than a few teeth. Do I need to go on? Do the words Depends, Bengay and liver spots mean anything to you? Everyone knows that to make a relationship work, you need to have things in common, activities you enjoy doing together. The only "activity" this pair could partake in together would be eating soup.

Tricia Walsh-Smith made it no secret that they weren't fucking. In fact, she actually calls up his assistant to say..."I’m filming at the moment for YouTube. I don’t know if you know, but Philip and I never had sex. But he’s got Viagra, condoms and porn movies. Just ask him what he wants me to do with them." As shocking as that may sound to some, that doesn’t really shock me due to the fact she belongs locked in a padded cell. But what does shock me is that she is actually upset about not getting to have sex with a 75 year-old man! I’m going to fill everyone in on a little something, just in case you are as clueless as Tricia Walsh-Smith. If a guy owns a box of condoms and he’s NOT using them to fuck you, he’s using them to fuck someone else. It’s a no brainer really. Nobody buys condoms just for the hell of it.

While ranting about her husband, Tricia Walsh-Smith alternated between pleas for mercy, cries of idiocy, and bouts of petty mud-slinging. And just before she heads to divorce court, she goes online and posts yet ANOTHER video! In this new video, she pulls much of the same act as last time. She pleads her case, somewhat calmly for a change, but then that quickly changes and you can almost see her mentally snap before your very eyes. It’s like a train wreck, you can’t help but watch as she pulls out her trusty Tarot cards while shouting..."Shame on you! How dare you? If this was the 16th century what would you have done, put me in the stocks and thrown rotten tomatoes at me? I am speaking my truth! But I did my cards today and look what I pulled: Courage. I will continue speaking my truth." Rrright. Just pack your shit up and get your ass out of his Park Avenue apartment already.

Part 2 - One More Crazy Day in the Life of a Phoenix Rising from the Ashes

If you can watch both of these videos in their entirety, then I applaud you because I found myself becoming highly irritated listening to her for even 30 seconds. I can’t imagine what this poor old man had to endure. I found myself wanting to choke the bitch almost instantly! And he put up with her for a decade! Now that deserves some type of an award. Perhaps the divorce papers will be that award.

Look, I understand that being dumped is never easy. It hurts and you can’t help but take it personally. After all, it is a form of rejection and rejection is meant to be taken personally. But remember, in a fit of rage, when emotions run high, it’s important to step back and breathe. Take a minute and think before you react, before you lash out. These videos will not tarnish her husband’s good name. All it is doing is making her look clinically insane. You can’t tell me that this woman isn’t angry for not being able to hold out until he kicked the bucket and she inherited his fortune. I ask you she really mad that he didn’t screw her, or is she just mad because she is getting screwed out of sucking up more of his money?

It is women like her that make men never want to marry.

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