Monday, April 28, 2008

Gas Hacking

With gas prices teetering to $4 a gallon in some areas, we are all feeling the pinch at the pump and looking for an easy way out. Unfortunately, the easiest way out is not legal. Let me introduce you to "gas hacking". Using a computerized device similar to a credit card, "gas hacking" allows you by bypass the pumps and essentially dump unlimited amounts of gasoline into your vehicle. This technique started in Florida and is currently being investigated.

Do I know how to do this? Yes, but because stealing is a punishable crime, I’m not going to give specifics on how "gas hacking" is actually done. Sorry. I can’t supply you with these electronic devices or any of the other tools and techniques used. So why am I sharing this vague information with you to begin with? Because I enjoy informing you about the latest geek news (incomplete or in its entirety)...and teasing you with something you can’t have.

Will I use "gas hacking" to my own benefit? No, I won’t. I will just continue bending over at the pump and taking it up the tailpipe with the rest of America. Besides, I rather take it at the gas station than in prison.

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