Friday, April 25, 2008

Just Do It Already!

God damn it. Sell me those Pens vs Rangers playoff tickets now or the kitty gets it!

Sorry. I'm feeling a teeny bit hostile today. Scoring tickets to a sold out playoff game is never exactly easy, but I never thought it would be this f-ing difficult. What's wrong with this dude? I've offered him $300 OVER actual ticket price and STILL no sale! I think he's just being spiteful now.

Comeon man, help a guy out. If you were trying to impress a girl, I would help you out. Not that I think Pens playoff tickets are going to impress her, but I suppose it doesn't really matter if they do or if they don't because it doesn't look like this guy is going to sell no matter what I offer him. And no, I am NOT resorting to giving him sexual favors. I want the tickets, but I have to draw the line somewhere.

I've been pestering this guy about the tickets all week, trying to give him excuses as to why he DOESN'T want to go. It seems the plan has backfired though. At the last minute, the very day of the game, he is holding onto his seats for dear a chubby kid holds on to his king-sized Hershey's bar.

I'm just going to say it - rich people suck.

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