Thursday, April 10, 2008

The All New Blog Redesign For 2008

Drumroll please.

As you can see, I’ve given my blog its yearly redesign. The XML template I’m using is called "SoSuechtig", named after the original German designer who runs

It has 3 columns and a wide 1024x768 display which gives it plenty of space. Because it was intended to be used with WordPress, the code needed to be implemented in Blogger and of course translated into English. Once that was done, I created a custom header and changed a couple other things. There are still a few tweaks I need to make here and there, but for the most part it's complete.

I was never really thrilled with my last blog template. It just felt pieced together and didn’t match up the way I would have liked. So this time around I wanted to keep it simple – less is more. This new black theme is clean and smooth. It utilizes bold contrasting colors that are energetic, but still pleasing to the eye. And I’m hoping the design will flow with my writing.

I’ve only tested this in IE 7, so if you are using another browser and experiencing any difficulty with the new design, please let me know. There may be some glitches I still need to work out. As always, all feedback is welcome. Let me know if you love it or hate it. How could I make it better and what you would like to see in the future?

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