Thursday, May 22, 2008

In Need Of Good Thoughts & Get Well Wishes

I don't feel like telling the story, indulging in details or even summarizing. My mind is elsewhere and I have a hard time concentrating on anything right now. I can't write when my little buddy is suffering in pain. He's barely a year old! You see, when he's happy, I'm happy. And when he's in pain, I'm in pain. You unintentionally suffer along side with those you love. That's just how life works. And I guess it's not any different as to whether it's a person or a dog...or at least it's not any different to me. But he's just not ANY dog. He's MY dog. The best dog this world has ever known! He's my BFF. And because he holds that title, he has to get better. Yes, he has to.

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