Friday, May 16, 2008

Congrats! You’re The Most Hated Person On The Internet

You know you've struck a nerve with the Internet masses when your saga has been covered breathlessly by media outlets big and small. Google the name "Lori Drew" and a website titled "People You'll See in Hell" comes up as a one of your search results, but that's what happens when you're an adult who helps drive an adolescent girl to suicide. If there is any good news to report here, it’s that Lori Drew has won an award from the folks at for being "The Most Hated Person On The Internet!" Out of 10 other nominees, she is the most loathed of all. Congratulations! I would love to hear the acceptance speech. Would she thank the devil instead of God? On a serious note though, if there is anything to celebrate here it’s the fact that Lori Drew is finally going to get what she deserves. A federal indictment has just been announced and hopefully she will be convicted on a slew of charges. All I have to say’s about freaking time! When will people learn that it's ILLEGAL to stalk and harass someone online? The same laws apply ONLINE as OFFLINE. Personally, I think she's a piece of shit and I hope the courts make an example out of her. Justice desperately needs to be served here!

If for some reason you don’t know the Lori Drew/Meghan Meier story, then you must be living under a rock. But for those that are unfamiliar with the story, let me catch you up to speed...

A 13-year-old girl named Meghan Meier hung herself in the upstairs closet of her suburban Missouri home after receiving a bunch of nasty MySpace messages from a boy she had been corresponding with. Except the boy in question, "Josh Evans," wasn't actually a real boy. He was the fictional creation of a woman named Lori Drew, the next door neighbor and the mother of a girl with whom young Meghan Meier had once been friends. Meghan and the friend had a falling out, as adolescent girls often do. Although in this particular case it prompted the girl's Mom to punish Meghan by "friending" her as a 16-year-old hottie named "Josh Evans." The so-called boy, would would later turn on Meghan, harassing her by saying..."The world would be a better place without you."

It seems that Lori Drew planned on toying with Meghan's emotions to teach her some sort of life lesson, failing to realize that 13-year-old girls are fragile creatures who don't take well to that style of teaching. Granted, it later came out that Lori Drew knew Meghan had battled depression, making her cold "This isn't my fault and I had no idea this would happen" defense ring somewhat hollow. To make matters worse, she even enlisted the help of another young girl to make the ruse more plausible.

Interestingly enough, the St. Charles Journal, the paper that originally broke the story, didn't mention Lori Drew by name, but a bunch of pissed-off bloggers eventually outed her. It took nearly 2 years for Lori Drew to be charged with a crime, but prosecutors finally have her just where they want her - in the hot seat. Under the current state laws, the maximum possible penalty that Lori Drew can receive is 20 years in prison. In the interim, congratulations, Lori! You are officially the most despised person in the whole wide web! Tell us, how does it feel? Did you ever think your psychotic ways and your incredibly cruel and heartless soul would win you this award?

So what do you think? A well deserved award? Or would you have liked to see someone else win it?

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