Friday, January 19, 2007

Who Says You Can't Look Hot For $3.14

Women make me laugh. They get sooo excited over a great shopping deal. They turn into giddy, giggling little girls. Case in point, today I get this txt on my phone...

The sweatr was orig 89.50 markd down 2 9.99 then 30% off so 6.99. Belt was 36.00. I had 2 20.00 off coupons. Total w tax 3.14! Yay me!

My reply...

damn, you would make my shopoholic sister proud!

I imagine she was feverously typing that away to me, half out of breath because the thrill of the shopper's high was still fresh in her bloodstream. I suppose shopping is to women what NFL playoff games are to men. I mention to her that I think it's cute she is all excited about her great shopping deal and congratulate her. She then sends me a photo of the $3.14 outfit with the caption "$3.14 I swear 2 God."

My suggestion to her..."just a fashion tip, you can take it or leave it, but you should try it without the undershirt." Looks like she liked my advice. Remember, a little cleavage is never a bad thing, especially with a form fitting black sweater.

She gave me permission to post her pics and tells me that I should mention the sales girl and another customer were very impressed. Considered it mentioned, to the entire blogosphere.

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