Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Initiation Of "The New Guy"

The first day of school. The first day on the job. Life is full of first times. The first day can be stressful. You are submerged in a new atmosphere. A new office. New faces to place with their appropriate job titles. You are overwhelmed with new material to learn and you spend much of the day being introduced to people, whose names you will surely forget 5 minutes later. It's Monday morning and you want to make that all-important good first impression. So you listen attentively. You concentrate on your work. You put on that happy face so much that by the time lunch rolls around, your cheeks actually hurt from smiling. You tag along like a lost puppy. To your boss. To your cube mate. To that co-worker who started up some idle chit-chat with you while getting coffee. They took a little pity on "The New Guy" and befriended you. No worries "New Guy". We will accept you. We will adopt you as if you were our own. Because after all, you are one of us now. Welcome. I think you will like it here. Now, let the initiation process begin!

Who would of thought that only $25 worth of aluminum foil would get you all this bling? Everything in sight was wrapped, including his phone, his pens, the papers on his desk and even the trash under it!

Every secret mission needs the help of a beautiful accomplice. Project Post-It Note Jaguar complete!

Don't worry, HR strongly discourages the hazing-in of new co-workers. So smile "New Guy". The first day pressure is off. You've officially been adopted.

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