Sunday, January 7, 2007

Debuting The Disappointing Design

It's a new year and a new site design...or at least that was the plan. Unfortunately, what you see before you is NOT the design I had been meticulously coding away. It's not the custom CSS template that I had been writing from scratch. Error after error told me that the new Blogger version hated my CSS template. So I finally decided to throw in the towel and declare Blogger the winner, me the loser. As a result of this digital defeat, I've fallen back on the old trusted and true (not to mention boring) default Blogger template, which I can't even get my banner to display correctly - frustrating. I apologize for the letdown.

My goal now is to create a completely new design, once again from scratch. Hopefully I can make it backwards compatible with Blogger. Something with a clean, streamline look that is easy to navigate. And a nice big 1024x768 screen resolution so I can stretch out my typing fingers and you won't have to scroll down as much to read. Of course this will take some time as I'm going back to the drawing board. The reorganization of the Archives and adding Labels to all the posts is still a work in progress.

The URL remains the same, Although you will notice I changed the title of my blog from "Tech News and Random Ramblings" to "The Rest Is Still Unwritten". I just felt the new title flowed with what I wrote for the "About Me" section a little better. So if you link to me, you will want to update your link.

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