Thursday, December 2, 2010

One Word

"Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?" -

My initial response to that question is, "how girly!" It’s so Eat Pray Love. Choosing one word to define a place, or a person, or a year. Then I sat with it for a minute. And you know what? I kind of like it. It doesn't matter if it’s girly or not. It doesn't matter if whatshername already mentally stole the longer version of my word because we still share the same brain. And it doeesn't matter if I'm 3 days tardy on posting this. None of it matters. Because summing anything up in just one word gives clarity. As this year comes to a close and a new year is almost upon us, having clarity is a beautiful thing. It’s cleansing and renewing. I can’t think of a better way to end one chapter and start the next then with a single word on a stark white page. So without further adieu, here is my 2010 word and my 2011 word...

My word for 2010 - Unexpected.

If it’s ok with all of you, I’m not going to explain why I chose "unexpected" as my 2010 word. (And Mom if you’re reading this, no I didn’t get anyone pregnant!)

My word for 2011 - Free.

Just writing that word causes me to let out a giant sigh of relief! Ahhh. Free. Free my mind. Free my heart. Free up some more me time - free time! Free to travel a lot more. Free to work a bit less. Free to start my second company located all the way on the back bottom belly of the globe. And free to do as I please. Just free.

What's your word?

This post is my submission for Reverb 10, an annual event and online initiative to reflect on this year and manifest what’s next. Learn more at

Want more? I’ve set up a Tumblr account strictly for my Reverb 10 project. Although I can’t promise I’ll keep up with it regularly. Remember, my word is "free" and not "commitment."

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