Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tell Me Something Good

When I was a kid, I remember asking my Dad why he watched the news. His reply, "because you need to know what's going on in the world." But to me, it was all bad news - robberies, fires, car crashes, murders, wars, etc. I didn't understand why anyone would want to hear about that! It all seemed so dark and depressing. How could that be beneficial to his day?

These days, I'm an avid news junkie. However, some things never change. For the most part, the news is still filled with crime, anguish and despair. When they aren't reporting about the stock market plummeting on Wall Street, they are showing us close-up video of BP's oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico. And in between those segments, we are reminded that there is still a war going on in the Middle East...but hey there's a new iPhone 4 out!

That's how they always try to end local and national news, with an uplifting tale. A feel-good story to leave viewers feeling a little less blue after suffering through 30 minutes of nothing but bad news. Lately it seems like I all hear is bad news. Yesterday morning I heard "we have your test results" from my doctor. Then last night, tells me "we're sorry that item is out of stock." Of course some news is worse than others, but today all I want is some good news for a change!

Tell me something good!

I credit the phrase to my friend Grace Boyle (or as I like to call her, Gracie). Because whenever I am feeling down or irritated, Gracie instructs me to tell her something good! It forces you to change your mindset. To stop dwelling on the negative and refocus on the positive in life. I think everyone should try it, like right now.

From finding $5 in your pocket to having packed a 5 star brown bag lunch, anything goes. Big or small. Whatever makes you happy. I want to hear it. Just tell me something good.

(And feel free to throw a smiley face in at the end. That always helps too.)

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