Friday, January 8, 2010

I’ll Create An App For That

Apps are everywhere and do just about anything! They can give you the latest snow report, help you book a flight to that ski resort, and even turn your phone into a compass when you get lost on the slopes. In less than 2 years, the app craze has taken over. These small applications (AKA, apps) fit on our mobile phone and do everything from helping us accomplish mundane tasks to keeping us entertained while we ride the subway. Innovative and often addictive apps are changing the way we work and live. Research shows that 50% of smartphone users view apps as essential tools for helping them stay organized. We’ve all seen the commercials. Apple tells us "there’s an app for that." Pretty much you name it, they got it. But I don’t believe that. Surely there has to be something you want an app for that hasn’t been created or an existing app idea that needs improved upon, right? That’s where I come in.

When the original Apple iPhone debuted in June 2007, it featured just 11 apps. But customers quickly wanted more. Today Apple features more than 100,000 apps and developers submit roughly 1,000 new app ideas every month to the company. While all apps are taken into consideration, not all will make it to Apple’s App Store. However, you never know unless you try. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to create an app and submit it to Apple! Now this is where you, the reader, comes in...

When I was a teenager the biggest craze was instant messaging, in particular AIM. Back then I saw ways to improve upon the existing AIM client - cleaning up the code, simplifying the interface, and adding features the existing application lacked. It was geeky and somewhat challenging, but fun. In the process I taught myself some programing languages and a discovered a new appreciation for software engineering and design. Now granted AIM wasn't the most difficult software to work with. And creating iPhone apps aren't the hardest thing to create. But it has always been a little geeky goal of mine to create an iPhone app. So I'm making that one of my New Year resolutions. I'm going to create an app for that. For what YOU want and need.

So, like Apple, I too am asking you to think different. Think outside the box. Help me get the brainstorming going. No idea is too far fetched. Pitch it to me. What do you need? What do you want? What would you love to have? Let me make it happen.

Want it? I'll create an app for that.

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