Jan. 11, Monday: Triple-Sec Throwdown at Rye. This event will gather the city’s 10 best bartenders to compete in a cocktail competition using Combier triple sec. You get to taste the concoctions made by the 10 bartenders along with some small bites. Event begins at 7 p.m. RSVP to greg@ryesf.com or call 415.786.7803. UPDATE: Ooops, this was so popular and everyone blogged about it that the event is now filled. Sorry!

Jan. 12: Slow Food Dinner Club at Spork. This popular Mission neighborhood restaurant is the setting for the latest three-course dinner to support Slow Food Nation. Cost is $57, at dinner starts at 7 p.m. Spork, 1058 Valencia St., San Francisco. You need to be a member of Slow Food San Francisco to register. Go to Slow Food’s Web site here.
Jan. 15, Friday: “In a Cheesemaker’s Kitchen,” a panel discussion, tasting and book signing with Allison Hooper at The Pasta Shop in Berkeley’s Fourth Street shopping district. Hooper is from Vermont and she’ll be sharing tasting of artisan California and Vermont cheeses. Event is free.

Jan. 18, Monday: Camp Bacon at 18 Reasons. Who doesn’t like bacon, right? This community gathering place in San Francisco's Mission District is sponsoring an event featuring Ari Weinzweig, author of “Zingerman’s Guide to Better Bacon.” Cost is $10 and you can purchase a time slot for this meet-and-greet and bacon tasting event. (There will be two time slots that night: 6 to 7:30 p.m. or 7:30 to 9 p.m. Purchase tickets here.

Sweet reminder: You know the San Francisco International Chocolate Salon is a big highlight for me each year. Last year I took a break from it but this year I’m planning to get a ticket to the March 20 event at Fort Mason in the Marina district. January 31 is the deadline to purchase your early bird ticket of $17.95 (Cost for adults jumps to $25 after that, and $30 at the door.) Go to the Chocolate Salon’s Web site for more information.
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