Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Are Bloggers Real Writers Or Just Literary Dabblers?

I like to write. I like to blog. But am I a writer because I’m a blogger? Some say yes. Some say no. I say..."I am not a writer. You will never see my name embossed on a fine leather book. The dream of being published does not exist for me. At least that’s what I say in my About Me section here on my blog. Although these days that’s no longer entirely true. I do dream of being published and having my name embossed on a fine leather book. But, I still don’t see myself as a writer. I’m a blogger, a literary dabbler. I’m not a REAL writer. And if you’re a blogger, I’ll tell you exactly why you probably aren’t a real writer either.

The vast majority of bloggers are not writers and very few bloggers can actually write well. Ouch. I know. Believe me, this realization pains me too. After reading Modite's post on this and seeing countless other posts around the web debating whether or not bloggers are writers, it got me thinking.

Just because you put pen to paper doesn’t make you a writer. Just like putting paintbrush to canvas doesn’t make you an artist. To me, you can’t call yourself a writer or an artist unless you get paid for your work. Most bloggers don’t get paid for their work/words.

When I say I’m not a writer, I say that because I don’t get paid to write. Therefore I don’t feel it’s right to call myself a writer. I enjoy writing and do it as a hobby (for lack of a better word), but the title writer should not be applied to me or any other blogger who doesn’t get paid for their words.

I would think that REAL, paid, talented writers would feel somewhat irritated at every Joe Shmoe running a blog labeling himself a writer. It’s discrediting to the title "writer." I think writing is a beautiful profession and it’s a title that should be earned, not given to yourself just because you can self-publish anything under the sun on Blogger or Wordpress. Let's be honest, anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can blog. Those aren't exactly high credentials for a writer.

Can blogging be a good playground to hone your writing skills? Most definitely! Are some bloggers so talented that they should pursue a freelance writing career? You bet! Although my feeling is that you shouldn't apply any title to yourself or call yourself an expert in anything unless you have the paper to back it up. Paper meaning - show me the degree/certification/license or show me the money. Unless or until that happens, you're just a literary dabbler like me. Blogger Boy.

Agree? Disagree? I would love to hear your thoughts. I don't want to be cynical and I hope my love of writing will one day flourish beyond some minuscule web address on the net filled with my random ramblings. diamondkt.blogspot.com is what I am and all I'm afraid I’ll ever be to the world. I am reduced to being a blogger (an unpaid one at that) and nothing more. I don't want to be just another wannabe writer lost among the millions of other wannabe writers living their dream thru a Blogspot address. But right now, that's exactly where I am.

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