Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tracy's Facebook Fuck-Up Gets Her Screwed Twice

The top item on many social news sites this morning is a screenshot (click on photo below to enlarge) that purportedly shows an embarrassing message a woman posted to her public Facebook page. If real, it’s a mistake that might take some time to recover from. And if it’s fake, well it still might take some time to recover from...and a lot of convincing of one’s innocence! While it doesn’t appear to be Photoshopped, and the woman’s friends are definitely real Facebook members, it’s very possible the account was compromised by another person and it’s just a malicious prank. However, something tells me this is real. Why? Because it’s just more proof to me that older people shouldn’t be on Facebook. They aren’t ready for the digital information overload that is our lives. They have difficulty distinguishing between what is public and what is private when it comes to the Internet. So the information they throw out there often gets filtered incorrectly and they unknowingly make their private life too public. They’re unaware how to adjust privacy settings and gain control of what information is displayed and who gets privilege to that info. To them, nothing is black and white. It’s all gray and fuzzy. And that is where the problem lies! If you don’t know the ins and outs of Facebook and Twitter, DO NOT USE THEM! When it comes to social networking sites, what you don't know can hurt you.

It takes a lot to actually make me LOL on the Internet, but this gem did the trick!

I like Jeff. I too would reply with one word - "Nice." And I also would play dumb and not help her immediately. I would want to take in the sick giggle at her expense just a tiny bit longer. Maybe that’s mean, but something like this is too priceless not to bask in for awhile. However, the moral of the story here is a simple one. If you don’t know how to properly/fully use something, don’t use it. Now if you still want to use something, but don’t know how to properly/fully use it, LEARN. Or if you're Tracy, you'll eventually learn the hard way.

Call me a snob, but I liked it better when Facebook was only open to those who had a college or university e-mail address. Ah yes, those were the good old days when your Mom couldn’t friend you and stalk you on Facebook! The good old days when I wasn’t subjected to cougars and MILFs sending me messages on Facebook thinking this was the new or eHarmony. It’s Facebook. It’s a social networking site, NOT a dating site! There is nothing on my Facebook page that says I’m looking to bang chicks who are old enough to be my mother or that I’m searching for a woman whose kids I have more in common with than her. I’m sorry and I don’t mean to be a dick, but I’m just not interested. Now when it comes to Tracy, I'm willing to make an exception (insert evil laugh here).

If she hasn't been laid in months, something tells me this Michael she's conversing with (and pounding her like a lion) isn’t her fiance. Dirty girl! All we do know for sure is that she likes a strong and powerful mounting. Regardless, I’m thinking I should start a Facebook fan page: "Fans of Tracey’s OTHER Pussy." Or maybe I should send out a Facebook party invite: "You’re Permanently Invited to The Love Cave Between Tracey’s Legs."

By the way...Tracy, I sent you a friend request. Rrroar! ;)

Good news or sad news to report, depending on how you see it. The latest rumor is that a group of hackers/crackers from 4Chan have been targeting Christian users on Facebook and a few other sites (mostly online dating websites) and compromising their accounts. ANYONE, even without being listed as her friend, can view Tracy Turkish Brooks Facebook page at

Again, and others are reporting this as a fake. Apparently Tracy is a good girl afterall, or so we should assume. So I thought it's only fair that I should help clear her name. Sorry this happened to you Tracy and sorry so many of us got a sick laugh out of it. But comeon, it was hilarious! Even you have to admit that! And is it wrong that I wish this had been real? Damn it.

So now there is an added moral to the story - use stronger passwords, people!

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