Monday, August 24, 2009

I’m Blunt And Brutally Honest. And I Will Not Change.

If there’s one thing I’m good at in life, it’s causing a controversy, or so it appears as evidence of my last blog post. And if there’s another thing I’m good at, it’s telling it like it is - sticking to my guns and not sugar coating my words or rephrasing what I say just to gladden the hypersensitive and easily offended. I will not tippy toe around my words and be politically correct just to please the public. If society says this is how one should properly live, then I say fuck society. Personally, I find it refreshing when I come across someone who is brave enough to speak their mind and doesn’t hold back. Now does this mean I’m some rude, inconsiderate prick that yearns to be insulting and obnoxious whenever given the chance? No, of course not. If you know me at all, you know that isn’t me. However, I will give my opinion (especially on MY blog) and I’ll stand behind every last bit of it and not apologize for any of it. My writing has been described as raw and I consider that a good thing. I’m blunt and brutally honest. It's not always what people WANT to hear, but often it's what they NEED to hear. I think if people would learn to accept hearing things that are blunt and brutally honest, rather than this sugar coated bullshit they pine after, they would be a lot better off - like doing it Dr. Phil style. People need the truth, but they can't always handle the truth which is sad. It's similar to "he's just not that into you." Girls may not want to hear it, but more often than not it's the cold hard truth and something they need to hear, as painful as it may be. And for some, as Jack Nicholson once said, "You can’t handle the truth!"

I’m so sick of people making a mountain out of a mole hill. I’m so sick of having my words picked apart, twisted around and misconstrued into something they aren’t. I’m so sick of my words falling on deaf ears and repeating myself. But most of all, I’m sick of the drama and the petty bullshit. Although it seems to many people that I’m just plain sick!

If you were offended by my last post in the least, then maybe instead of making me your whipping boy, perhaps you should take a good hard look at yourself in the mirror. Seriously, ask yourself why you felt so outraged. Why did this stranger’s blog tussle your feathers so? Perhaps there was something that has occurred in your life that has left you feeling bitter, some type of emotional issue you have yet to overcome that my words somehow stirred up in you? If that’s the case, then don’t take it out on me. Instead, go seek some consoling because I am not the source of your anger and exploding on me is not going to heal you. Because honestly, there is no way a post about a humorous Facebook hack should have got anyone’s panties in a bind. NONE! And quite frankly, I was rather shocked how many people flew off the handle about it. If you ask me, it was a bit ridiculous.

Now for those who left anonymous comments...isn’t it convenient to cast a quick judgment, say a bunch of ignorant crap and run away? Ah yes, that’s the beauty of the Internet and exactly what 99% of anonymous comments online are - cowards, virtually hiding behind a mask to conceal one’s identity so you don’t have to be held accountable for your words. They switch up online aliases and conjure up different personas whenever the mood strikes. Unfortunately for them, an admin with half a brain can easily decode their true identity. And for those that were once long time readers/followers of mine that after my last post vow to never read me again, so be it. I find it rather odd how for months you flooded me with compliments, praise and support, but suddenly you turned so fickle. Hey, I’m not going to lose any sleep over it. If I was writing strictly to gain and maintain a large readership base, then I would point out how that last post had close to 3,000 hits in just the first 24 hours of it being published and that I actually gained more followers/readers than I had lost over it! So really, you aren’t hurting my feelings by declaring you hate me and storming off. A salty tear I do not shed.

When it comes right down to it, I don’t write for anyone but myself. Sure I put my words out there and you are welcome to read them, but I am not writing to please people. I am not writing for you. I write because I enjoy the process. Although lately this process has become a lot less enjoyable. It was actually exhausting to read the 80+ comments on the last post. Anyone would grow a bit weary weeding through countless personal insults and having to endure scolding after scolding like I was some bastard child in need of an earful.

I asked a friend last night why I even bother with blogging. She replied with..."You love writing, you hate the bullshit." No truer words have ever been spoken!

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