Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Me? Blog Crush Worthy?

Tomorrow I will be jet-setting across the country (ok I’ll be riding coach on US Airways but jet setting sounds fancier) which has left me super busy tying up loose ends at work and just life in general. So I made a promise to myself (which you’ll see I already broke) that I wouldn’t piss away time by aimlessly surfing the web or even writing on my blog until I finished writing my toast for my sister’s wedding. A man must keep his priorities in check and on top of the David To-Do List is "write that f-ing toast!" I fear that anything else I do would be counterproductive and will suck out any remaining creativity left in my fingertips that would be better spent on speech writing. Which as you know, I need every last ounce of as I continue to experience an extreme case of writer's block! What’s funny is that while I’m putting myself and my writing down because I'm struggling to find the words for this toast, out of the blue comes a little confidence boost. To much of my surprise, I’ve been labeled as a blog crush! Me? Blog crush worthy? Really?

Over at Ophelia’s Webb, blogger Elisa Doucette has a Blog Crush Series in which every week she features a blogger she is crushes on, writing exactly why he/she is crush worthy. And apparently I’m this week’s crush! It’s sweet, cute and innocent. Sort of like a traditional school girl/boy crush, but without the butterflies and sweaty palms. Elisa describes it best...

What is a BlogCrush? Well, the urban dictionary describes it "to be attracted to someone you know only through their blog" or "the person that you're attracted to because of the things they write in their blog." With so many amazing writers out there, it's easy to develop a little crush on certain people. Now I'm not talking a drive 13 hours wearing adult diapers and carrying a black wig to abduct people stalker kinda crush, but you just want to learn more about them. You know who your BlogCrushes are. They are the folks you read immediately on your reader before getting to anyone else's. They are the posts that you ReTweet because they speak to you so much. They are the websites you comment on regularly. They are the folks you are hoping you'll see and talk to "IRL" at the next SXSW. They are the people you admire, and because of this you want to share their greatness with lots of other people.

That in essence is a blog crush.

Upon finding out, I was completely flattered! Then when I started reading what she wrote, my face began turning various shades of burgundy, darkening with each paragraph. I must thank Elisa for all her kind words about me, for making this boy’s day a bit brighter and for changing my skin hue! She may not have even realized it, but that little confidence boost is just the push I need to finally finish writing my toast! So thank you. Really, thank you!

Read Ophelia's Webb BlogCrush - David Stehle
Read her full Blog Crush Series

So who is your blog crush?

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