Sunday, January 20, 2008

Me vs Tree

It’s easy to see who was victorious.

So what did we learn from this? Never bet against a guy who is amped up on RedBull and vodka if he can take out a tree on his snowboard. You know I’m going to take that challenge and come out victorious. Yes, a tree had to die in this stupid stunt, but really, it had it coming to him. He taunted me each time down the mountain by grazing my leg with his sappy branch. I was forced to carve around him and jump a patch of ice just to miss colliding with the tree. Eventually, enough was enough and the tree got it…and got it good!

Now don’t think I’m an evil person. I did say a final prayer for the dead pine, a small blessing. I would have poured a little liquor on my hommie, but I feel that wasting good alcohol like that is a sin in itself! Besides, I would need that to keep me numb from the pain that would surely hit me in the next 5-10 minutes. There is no way man can take out a tree like that and not suffer a small amount of pain. I don’t care how tough you are. I was thankful that the frigid 2 degree temperature aided in numbing my body from pain, along with the vodka.

Speaking of the bitter cold, you know what’s great? Burton thermal wear. You know what’s not so great? Forgetting to pack Burton thermal wear. The phrase “blue balls” has taken on a whole new meaning.

Mix fresh powder, fun friends, pretty girls and a cabin with a fireplace hot enough to melt clothes and you'll have yourself a very good time. Then throw in a massive amount of alcohol and you'll have yourself a weekend of debauchery. It was just what I needed.

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