Thursday, January 10, 2008

Bloggers Guild Of America Goes On Strike

As you know, the Writers Guild Of America (WGA) is on strike, still. And because I need to come up with yet a new excuse as to why I haven’t updated my blog with latest spankin’ new gadgets from CES 2008, I’ve decided to use this excuse – I’m on strike. Yes, I’m going on a 24 hour blogger strike as the head of and only member of the Bloggers Guild Of America (BGA). So what is the BGA and why haven’t you heard of it before? Well, honestly I have no idea what it is, what I’m standing for or why I’m even striking. I just know that it’s a somewhat clever name and a perfect excuse to use when attempting to disguise my lackadaisical blogging commitment this week.

There will be no marches. There will be no picket signs. And there will be no chants of…"What do we want? Blogging! When do we want it? Now!" This is going to be a silent strike. A strike that stands for nothing and will fall for anything.

REAL blogging will resume in 24 hours, give or take a few. Thanks for your support.

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