Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Monstrous Muscle

These are real pictures of real muscle. They are not Photoshop fakes. They are not the product of excessive steroid use or other performance enhancers. They are the real deal. A real medical condition that affects both humans (including children) and animals called Myostatin Deficiency. The genetic mutation is a deficiency in myostatin, which is a growth factor that limits muscle tissue growth. Without myostatin, body muscle can grow to monstrous proportions!

You may have seen or heard about the Whippet dog named Wendy with the rare genetic mutation. Her unusual monstrous muscle physic that has led to her being called the Arnold Schwarzenegger of dogs. Some professional body builders, such as Flex Wheeler and Ronnie Coleman, are said to “suffer” from this as well.

Interested in seeing more muscle bound freaks? (I use the word “freak” in the most loving way.) Check out this photo gallery full of people and animals with Myostatin Deficiency.

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