Wednesday, April 18, 2007

It’s A Boy! 7lbs 9 ounces

It’s official. I have a son! Yes, as of last Friday, I’ve become a Dad. Since fatherhood has begun, I haven’t had too much time to post to the blog. For that, I apologize. I will do my best to post more often, but you must understand I now have a new responsibility. My life has changed. There is now a new little life that depends on me. Looks to me for guidance. For discipline. For teachings. For fun, friendship and of course love. Oh yeah…and he also depends on me to cleanup his massive dumps.

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It’s all good though. In just a few short days, I can almost say he’s potty trained. Who says Bulldogs are dumb? Not this one. He’s a very fast learner. And I think this may be the fastest I’ve ever fallen in love. The only problem, girls might find him cuter than me. Damn it.

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