Tuesday, April 10, 2007

A Dream Come True

The storybook ending. The happily ever after. It’s the dream that really did come true. Was it by fate? By chance? Whatever it was, it seems they were destine to be together, finding one another in the most peculiar way…in a dream. It sounds like a Hollywood script, but this reality actually took place in London. Now for the guys reading, the following story is a little sappy. For the girls reading this, you’ll probably “aww” and have warm fuzzies floating thru your body.

His name is David Brown, age 26. One night while sleeping, a phone number popped into his head. It came to him in a dream. Seven digits. Seven digits that weren’t that much different from his own number. He awoke abruptly, the number planted firmly in the front of his mind. He decided to pick up his phone and send a text message to the number he dreamed about. He wrote...

“Did I meet you last night?”

On the other end, a 22-year-old woman by the name of Michelle Kitson received the message. Although she thought it was strange to receive a text from a complete stranger, she decided to reply. Another message back from David, and Michelle was quickly hooked. Her mother warned her they he could be an axe murder, but Michelle knew there was just “something special” about him. The two exchanged more text messages before meeting. It didn't take long before they fell in love and married. They are currently on their honeymoon and plan on living happily ever after.

Just another reason why my Mom is right when she tells me...“You’ll meet that special someone when you least expect it.” Surprisingly enough, in the past, this has actually been true.

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