Wednesday, February 7, 2007

NYC Considers Banning Tech Gadgets

New York was the first city to enforce a no-smoking ban. A law I love. Sorry, but cancer lung just isn't sexy, on first hand or second hand smokers. Then came the trans-fat ban. Another great law, at least in my opinion. Clogged arteries and fat dimples on your ass, neither is sexy. Many major cities are working on passing laws that prohibit the use of cell phones while driving. However, NY is taking it a step farther by banning not only cell phones but also iPods and Blackberries?

Yes, it's true. New York State Senator Carl Kruger is proposing a bill that would fine iPod users a $100 for listening to tunes while crossing the street. The "gadget ban" was introduced today. It would actually prohibit the use of any electronic device in a crosswalk. So besides iPod users, the proposal would also target people talking on mobile phones, checking email on their Blackberries or playing videogames on a portable console. Distracted pedestrians mixing with busy NYC traffic has been a problem for quite some time. Although recently it was brought to the attention of law makers after several people were killed while crossing a street in Brooklyn.

I just don't see how the NYPD would find the time to hand out tickets to gadget-distracted pedestrians. Do you ever see them picking up a bum or stopping the cabbie from pissing in the street? No. So I find it highly unliking that a cop will blow his whistle at you for jaywalking while jamming out to the Black Eyed Peas. Besides, you won't hear the whistle blow anyway because you'll have your earbuds in.

While people should (emphasis on "should") pay attention on the street, they always have the right of way. So no matter how engrossed they are with their tech gadget, it's the driver's job to not run the pedestrian over...even if he dances out in front of oncoming traffic while singing Fergalicious. And just between you and me, I would be highly tempted to plow anyone over who jams out to Fergi. That alone should be a crime in itself and worthy of "get out of jail free" vehicular homicide. I should really be a law maker. Don't you agree?

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