Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Wii Have A Problem

Wii Have A Problem is a blog focused on bringing you the latest trend in gaming violence. Specifically, Nintendo Wii injuries. Yes, the Nintendo nerds are actually hurting themselves at an alarming rate. Injury cases range from bloody hands, dislocated fingers, black eyes, broken arms and blunt force trauma to the head. The weapon of choice - their very own Wii wireless controller. Some overly excited Wii users (cough, losers) are reporting that the controller flies out of their sweaty little palms during a "spirited video gaming moment". This results in a trip to the ER and/or replacement of a broken TV screen, shattered lamp, etc.

How big of a problem is it? Honestly? Well to date, several hundred Wii injury cases have been reported. Now how many of those injuries were do to misuse of the product is yet to be seen. However, so much bad press has come out surrounding Wii injuries that Nintendo is considering a recall on the controllers. A bigger, beefier, more stable strap will be introduced. With proper use, it should greatly cut down or even eliminate injuries. All I can say is thank God nobody lost their wee-wee yet! That would be the most horrific Wii injury of all! (That's my bad joke of the day. Forgive me.)

Check out the the above website for a slew of injury photos and stories relating to the Wii.

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