Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Bueller, Bueller, Bueller, Anyone? Bueller...

Ok, so here's the deal. I know I haven't put up a new post in a week. I also know I have barely visited anyone else's blog in the last month or so...well, several months. I know I have been getting a little slow on replying to e-mails, answering IMs and even returning phone calls. Yes, shame on me. Which as I write this, it also reminds me to call my Mom back. Sorry, I swear I'll do it the very second I hit "publish" on this post. In short, I've been a bad blogger and a not so good correspondent. However, I have an excuse. Not a new excuse. It's actually an overused excused, but an excuse none the less. My excuse - I've been busy. I know it's not original and often not acceptable to say, but in life there are priorities and my priorities right now don't consist of blogging. I know, I know, please dry that tear that is streaming down your face. It will be ok, I promise. Despite the fact that I try to make time to write, I struggle to find inspiration in which to fuel my writing and therefore I continue to fall short. My forehead hits the desk.

It's a little bit of depression, a little bit of frustration. A little bit of anxiety, a little bit of stress. And a whole lot of overwhelming. My priorities lately consist of juggling my business, working on completing my masters, selling my house and of course trying not to be so indecisive in my selection with this new place I shall soon call home. On top of all of that, throw in the holidays. Then try to squeeze in dating, friends, family and a little "me time"...which there seems to be less and less of. It can be enough to make anyone feel overwhelmed and rightfully so. Now for the good news...

An entire makeover of my blog is currently in the works and nearing completion. A custom layout that is long overdue. I'll also be renaming my blog (once again) and doing some reorganizing of the archive and other aspects on the main page. It's on track to be implemented before January 1st. So stick around. I'll make it worth the wait. I think. I hope. I'll at least try my best. I shall do my utmost.

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