Thursday, August 18, 2011

When You Feel The Urge To Vomit, You're Living Right

Last night I started writing the first post for my new blog (no, it hasn't launched yet). A post that is deeply personal and will easily be the most terrifying post I'll ever push publish on. Then I stopped writing it because it made me want to throw-up. Seriously, the urge began to overwhelm me. And I'll tell you why that's a good thing.

Because it forces me to be uncomfortable.

I'm not referring to the type of discomfort brought on by bad underwear that keep riding up or dress shoes that pinch your toes. Those are external discomforts.

I'm referring to internal discomforts. The kind of terror that keeps you up at night, tossing and turning. The kind of terror that makes your palms sweaty and your knees weak. The kind of terror that makes you want to vomit all over yourself at the sheer thought of proceeding forward.

Perfect example, being stuck in a loveless marriage. Why doesn't the person leave? Because they're comfortable. Comfortable will keep you stuck. Stuck in a dead marriage. Stuck in a dead job. Stuck in a dead town. Stuck "living" a dead life!

Simply put, comfortable is bad.

The urge to vomit all over yourself is good!

Some people would go as far to say that you should always be uncomfortable. I don't know if I would go that far because one may lose their sanity living in a state of constant uncertainty. But living with a little fear never hurt anyone. In fact, I think it's quite healthy!

I like to think people get airsick on planes not because of the motion or altitude, but because they are taking flight! That they are about to embark on new territory. To journey unfamiliar grounds. And that's both scary and thrilling.

So I urge you to break out of your comfort zone. Whether that involves writing with complete transparency and vulnerability or taking some giant leap in your life that has caused your stomach to flip-flop for days, weeks, months or even years - DO IT!

And when you feel the urge to vomit, you'll know you're living right.

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