Thursday, July 28, 2011

Life Is Made Of Mud, Sweat, And Beer

Warrior: A person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness.

If you've ever run a full marathon (26.2 miles), you know about The Wall. The Wall is that point around the 20 mile mark where your body physically shuts down on you, making the last 6 miles excruciatingly challenging. It's the body's natural safety mechanism. A way to keep you from harming yourself. So to muscle through the remaining 6 miles you need mental toughness. Your mind has to tell your body don't quit! And isn't that the same for anything in life?

Life is about mental toughness. Perseverance. Being a warrior.

I signed up for a race called Warrior Dash. Warrior Dash is a mud-crawling, fire-leaping, extreme run from hell. This fierce running series is held on the most challenging and rugged terrain across the globe. Warriors conquer extreme obstacles, push their limits and celebrate with kick-ass music, beer and warrior helmets.

It's been dubbed, "The Craziest Frickin' Day Of Your Life!"

Mud. Sweat. Beer. Competition. Fire. Did I mention FIRE? Naturally, I'm all in!

Although this post isn't about Warrior Dash. It's about life. Or rather how competing in events like Warrior Dash are filled with metaphors that transfer over to life.

So I present to you...

10 Obstacles You Will Face In Life
(And In Warrior Dash)

1. Run Uphill
If you can't run uphill in life (and in Warrior Dash), you might as well roll over and die now. Life is challenging. That's the point of living! To overcome obstacles and bask in the glory that follows after conquering whatever life throws at you. It's about eating it up and spitting it back in life's face. Saying..."Is that the best you got?" Bring it, Life!"

2. Hurdle Over Walls
"The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. The brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough. They are there to stop the other people!" - Randy Pausch

I don't care how you do it. Get your ass over that wall! It doesn't matter if you have a broken arm or a broken heart. You WILL overcome! You MUST hurdle over life's brick walls.

3. Enter Dark Tunnels
Not being able to see where you are going in life. Not knowing when, or how, you will come out on the other side. It's scary! In life you must take risks. And you must trust in yourself enough that no matter what the outcome of that risk is, that you'll find a way to be ok. To say, "hey at least I tried."

4. Walk The Plank
The only thing scarier than venturing down dark tunnels is seeing disaster in plain daylight! Similar to walking tight ropes, use extra caution when crossing life's planks.

5. Sidestep Holes
Few things in life are as easy and as smooth as they appear. Whoever coined the phrase "smooth sailing" obviously didn't sail much. Needless to say, if someone says life is easy, they obviously don't live much.

6. Untangle Yourself
From financial messes to relationships messes. Chances are you got yourself into this mess. Now it's up to you to get yourself out! So start untangling.

7. Wade In Murky Water
Ever been knee-high, waist-high, chest-high in shit? Of course you have! The key is keeping it from reaching neck-high. Keeping your head afloat. Chin up. You can make it through.

8. Crawl Through Mud
Before you can learn to run, you have to learn to crawl. There is no shame in crawling. I've watched Ironman competitors crawl to the finish line on all fours! It's about wanting something bad enough that you'll do whatever it takes to get there. Pay your dues. Nothing is beneath you. Dirt work are stepping stones to something greater.

9. Jump Fire
Sometimes in life you will get burned. It happens to the best of us. Learn to put out the flames, wrap your wounds and leap higher next time.

10. Avoid Getting Trampled
Basically, survive. If you fall and you're lucky, someone will lend a hand. But don't count on it. It's really up to you stay on your feet. However if you do slip, brush yourself off and get up quickly like a warrior!

Because you are a fucking warrior! Now get out there and kick life in the ass! And I'll see you at the finish line for beer, dancing, and a big fat turkey leg. I think that is what heaven is suppose to entail, right?

Life is made of mud, sweat, and beer.

Get dirty. Be strong. Find happy. Live!

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