Wednesday, July 20, 2011

90% Of This Blog Will Be Gone Forever

I haven't written here in 2 weeks. Instead I've spent that time wondering if bloggers have a shelf life? Or perhaps I've simply outgrown this side project I once loved. People change. People grow. People move on. And it's ok.

I started this blog over 6 years ago and there was a time when I posted daily, including weekends! I knew I couldn't keep up with that pace and eventually went for quality over quantity. Needless to say, there is a lot of garbage I've written. So I've done the math. I've written over 1,000 posts and at least 90% of them are complete my humble opinion. That means I will be deleting the shit ones, roughly 900 posts! Maybe more.

Actually, this whole blogspot address will be gone forever. What little content I do choose to save will be moved over to a self-hosted WordPress/Thesis blog with a new domain name, new title, new design, and a whole new message. I've been really excited building it and I'm eager to introduce everyone to it! It's been a slow work in progress, but I feel will be worth the wait to readers. A change/move that is long overdue!

I need this fresh start if I'm going to continue writing, to feel inspired again.

I'm sure there will be people screaming "NO, LEAVE THE ARCHIVE UP HERE!" And they will try reasoning with me that it's nice to see where I've started and how long I've come. While I appreciate your loyalty and the love, I respond with "I simply can't." I can't change and grow if I cling to the past. And that's exactly what keeping all these old, stagnant posts around feels like - creative clutter. When I look back at them, I don't even feel like I'm reading me. I'm not that same person anymore. And those old posts simply don't help move me in the direction I am moving. But most importantly, they don't provide value to you - the reader.

Over the last few years I've realized something that every blogger could benefit from knowing...

No one really cares about me. No one really cares about any blogger. What people care about is what the blogger can do for them. What can this blogger teach me? How will reading this blog benefit me? In short, a good blog should be less about YOU and more about THEM.

Therefore this blog will be moving in a new direction. A better direction. A direction I'm sure you're going to love because it will be less about me and more about YOU!

After all, I already know me. What I don't know a lot about is you. Let's change that.


PS (For those still heartbroken by the news, look at my "virtual spring cleaning" this way. Things are only going to be improving. The writing will be better. Content will properly organized and easy to find. I'll be interacting with every reader on a more personal level. And I'll be giving away an UNBELIEVABLE prize to celebrate launch day, TBA. It's just my way of saying thanks, to you the reader, for sticking with me through the growing pains.)

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