Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Secret Powers Of Time

You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future.

Or as The Dog Whisper Cesar Millan says..."Live in the now."

Know why dogs are so happy? Because they have no concept of time. They don’t care about the past. They don’t worry about the future. They live in the present moment, blissfully. Know why humans are so miserable? Because we obsess over time! We try to rush time. We try to slow time down. Sometimes we waste time and other times we attempt to squeeze every little drop out of time. When was the last time you looked at a clock and were truly happy with the reading? Is there ever a time when you aren’t wishing you could rearrange the hands on that clock just a little? Think you’re not obsessed with time? Then try this experiment. Go one full day without ever checking to see what time it is. It will drive you insane!

Time is our most valuable possession. We are obsessed with clocks, calendars, schedules, To-Do lists and multitasking. Still, people spend time less wisely than money. The way we perceive time is as unique as our fingerprints. Our time zones interact to create national cultures and economies. Where you live in the world and your religion shape how you perceive time. Every significant choice we make, every important decision, is determined by our perspective on time. It can dictate our success in school. It can sabotage our career or help us gain a promotion. It can affect our health and finances. It can influence our relationships with friends and loved ones. It even has the power to make us happy, or not. Yet we are virtually unaware of its effects.

University of Stanford Psychology Professor and author of "The Time Paradox," Philip Zimbardo, draws on 30 years of pioneering research to reveal how your individual time perspective shapes your life and is shaped by the world around you. Professor Zimbardo’s original classroom-style lecture on the secret powers of time is nearly an hour long, but most people aren’t willing to spend that amount of their "time" soaking in such wisdom. So instead the lecture has been greatly condensed into just 10 minutes and animated for a YouTube audience. Are you catching the irony here?

It's time to reclaim yesterday, enjoy today, and master tomorrow. So do your life and your sanity a favor, take 10 minutes out of your day right now to watch this video. It’s for those that are too focused on the past - those that are wrapped up in nostalgia and memories and dwell on regret and failure. It’s for those that are too focused on the present - Hedonistics that live for pleasure and avoid pain and Fate Sayers that say it doesn’t pay to plan, that life is fated. And it’s for those that are too focused on the future - the workaholics and worry warts. In short, it's for every one of us whose mind is imprisoned by time.

It's time to break free.

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